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Opero Documents compared to competitors
Below you can view a detailed comparison between Opero Documents, Conga, and Nintex (Drawloop). Our app competes on price and features and is easier to configure. Opero Documents uniquely takes advantage of powerful features in Google Docs. Opero Documents is not only the smarter choice, it is the better choice.
Compare Documents by Opero to:
- Minimum users required110 (standard) / 7 (business)10
- Annual subscription required
- Output formatWord, PDF and Google DocWord, PDF and Google DocWord, PowerPoint, Excel, HTML email and PDF
- Merge data from any Standard or Custom Object
- Template formatGoogle Doc (Can use free gmail acct). Can import Word.Word, PowerPoint, Excel and PDFWord, PowerPoint, Excel and PDF
- Embedded template builder
- Integration with e-signature appsOpero Signature, DocuSignDocuSign, EchoSign, Sertifi, Barracuda SignNowDocuSign, EchoSign or Sertifi
- Auto email Document
- Email Document with preview
- Download Document
- Attach Document
- Update field value
- Merge dynamic imagesYes (business edition)
- Document generation automationYes (free with workflow/ Process Builder/Apex)Yes ($$$ additional cost with workflow/ Apex)Yes ($$$ additional cost with workflow)
- Merge multiple Templates in a single PDF
We have a 4.8 star review average in
the Salesforce AppExchange since 2014
Generate 10,000 documents per month included.
Increase document limit to 1,000 documents per user per month, read more.
Charged automatically with credit card or ACH
3 users minimum required
Billed month-to-month
No annual contract