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Opero Signature compared to competitors
Below you can view a detailed comparison between Opero Signature and DocuSign. Our app competes on price and features and is easier to configure. Opero Signature uniquely takes advantage of powerful features in Google Docs for internal collaboration and contract negotiation. Opero Signature is not only the smarter choice, it is the better choice.
compare Signature by opero to:
- Minimum users required151026
- Annual subscription required
- Secure, Validated Signature
- Option for Custom Signature Domain
- Preview Document before sending
- In Person Signatures
- Automate Sending Documents
- Auto-Counter Sign
- Merge Data onto Documents for Signature
- Send existing PDF for Signature
- Send Google Doc for Signature
- Sign with Finger/Mouse
- Identity VerificationOptional Add on
- Collect PaymentPossible ConfigurationOptional Add onPossible ConfigurationPossible Configuration
- Collect other Field DataPossible Configuration